Thanks to Gekko for her review of TAKE; a dance in the park (it's dance in the park not walk in the park by the way, but we don't' mind). I don't think ITV were there (wish they were), but we did have it professionally filmed for a video promo for future tours. TAKE is off to Craven Arms, Lancaster and Preston, Trafalgar Square for Liberty festival and hopefully Washington DC next June.
Interesting comments on the costume, I rather liked the weirdness of the long skirts and hats against the metal, but yes, flying in bloomers makes the movement a lot freer.
Also check out Marttn's blog covering ShiftTime. You can see more of all the other activity taking place alongside.
Still not dared to watch video below.
And its Gekkko btw:D...we bloggers are all stressed out;). More pictures in the next few days.