Tuesday, 30 June 2009
More photos on Flickr
TAKE; a dance in the park, this Saturday!

Saturday 4th July
12.30pm & 2.30pm
TAKE; a dance in the park celebrates a rich and colourful history of live outdoor performance through the eyes of three remarkable 19 century women, Emma Darwin, Hesba Stretton and Lotty Burne.
Three women, two centuries and one park where audiences in their thousands gathered to watch in awe and amazement performances of electrifying skill and acrobatic daring. Bringing it into the 21st century and onto a spectacular aluminium dome where dancers magically glide, float and spin, narrowly missing each other in a playful journey through the archives.
Sunday, 28 June 2009
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Gravity and lettuces
Friday, 26 June 2009
Thursday, 25 June 2009
day 9
4th day
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Be-Longing and Where the Wind Blows performance
Blogging abroad
Sunday, 21 June 2009
A dance in the park(land)…
Yes, arriving at out outdoor rehearsal space, the rig makes an arresting sight… Rounding a curve in the drive of this historic north Herefordshire parkland, it's like a futuristic mirage, an elegant aluminium beast that has accidentally slipped in from another dimension, or come striding over the fields on its insect legs.
As Rose says, our camp in the orchard next door is truly idyllic and we share supper under a fruit tree, the rig peering over the wall at us, our aluminium-alien friend, the fourth performer in this piece…
A day in the archives reading journals of three young women written more than a century before… there are the inevitable differences in the way we live, but more surprising are the similarities of female experience and we laughed in sympathy or outrage at some of their anecdotes (and improbable headgear).
Then Saturday and our first day back on the rig, at its full 6m height… against the clouds and sky it seems almost insignificant, up at the top grass is a long way down. We re-familiarise ourselves with kit, safety checks then the day rushes past like a dancer on a rope, a series of images flashing by:
saluting the sun
paramotor flyers pass overhead
blue skies & clouds – ultimate aerialists
the novelty of dancing in sunglasses
spinning & motion sickness
a few collisions…
& some lovely unison flying
the cocoon dancing in the wind like a sail
arnica cream & dreamless sleep…
flying and vegetables
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Technical rehearsals underway
Meanwhile lovely Arnim the lighting designer is stopping at my house, and my 5 year old has kept him deep in conversation. I hope she doesn't make him late tomorrow!
Blogging surgery
Have a look at the shift-time blogging page, which will be linking up all the different blogs that are created as the festival snowballs.
Friday, 12 June 2009
We've printed them on metallic paper, which gives it a sheen. It's lovely seeing the archive pictures we gathered from Shropshire Archives on a big scale. They look great.
Be-Longing and Where the Wind Blows are being performed on Wednesday at Theatre Severn. Can't wait to see the finished piece, after sitting in on rehearsals. With projection and sound score it should be absolutely beautiful.