Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Dance Transformations

Dance Transformations workshop March 11Dance Transformations workshop March 11Dance Transformations workshop March 11Dance Transformations workshop March 11Dance Transformations workshop March 11Dance Transformations workshop March 11
Dance Transformations workshop March 11Dance Transformations workshop March 11Dance Transformations workshop March 11Dance Transformations workshop March 11Dance Transformations workshop March 11Dance Transformations workshop March 11
Dance Transformations workshop March 11Dance Transformations workshop March 11Dance Transformations workshop March 11Dance Transformations workshop March 11Dance Transformations workshop March 11Dance Transformations workshop March 11
Dance Transformations, a set on Flickr.
A brand new set of photographs from Dance Transformations, our three year training programme 2010-2012, supporting a group of emerging disabled and non-disabled dance artists based in the West Midlands.

This is an artist led project working together to explore original choreographic ideas and processes in an inclusive context with mentor guidance.

You find out more and join in the conversations by joining our social network,

Monday, 11 April 2011

lovely feedback

Thanks for all the lovely feedback - it's really heart warming to hear individual stories of how our work has supported and inspired you.

I've been asked to post this comment - thanks Maria.

"I am so saddened and appalled by this decision. It is incomprehensible that your fine company has lost funding. The work you have done over the years has been of the highest standard, inclusive and never lost sight of the ‘art’ part of the work. The Art, has always had a capital A. The processes have been integrated and inspiring, the work produced was moving and exciting. The arts in this country are losing an irreplaceable jewel and our culture will be the poorer as a result."

Maria Hayes

Do keep them coming by whichever method you prefer.
If anyone is having trouble posting on this blog do email - it should however accept your comments but send through to us for publishing approval first.

Many thanks, Moya

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Future dancing

Dear friends and lovely dancers, you might have heard about the Arts Council funding cuts and that Blue Eyed Soul will not be getting the same funding in 2012.
We will be doing everything we can in the next 12 months to make sure that we still have opportunities to dance together in the future.
Meanwhile we would really appreciate if you told us what Blue Eyed Soul means to you, we can use these comments in our press releases, in our discussions with the Arts Council and in applying for alternative funds.
For more information please look at