Friday 16 March 2012

Thank you and good bye.

Blue Eyed Soul Dance Company grew from a residency with Cando Co in 1994. From its base in rural Shropshire and with the support of Arts Council England it explored, developed and delivered a highly successful and extensive programme of inclusive dance, locally, nationally and internationally. The Company’s aim has been to create a level playing field where people can step over their threshold of perceived possibility.
Its core staff team have collaborated with many artists and organisations on a wide range of work from large scale projects to 1:1 sessions: community and professional, touring and one off performances, education residencies and workshops, film, digital, aerial and site specific programmes, training and professional development initiatives plus many other creative projects. The Company closed in March 2012 with Founder and Artistic Director Rachel Freeman and Training & Education Coordinator Rachel Liggitt continuing the dance work as freelance artists. A selection of Blue Eyed Soul archive material will be held by NRCD at The University of Surrey and Digitising Disability project by filmpro limited. We’d like to thank people for all their support and encouragement, and we look forward to working with you and our other many national and international partners in the coming years. The Company may close but the dance will continue…..
For any future inclusive dance enquiries please contact: Rachel Freeman (everyBODY dance) or Rachel Liggitt.    
Rachel Liggitt works as an Independent Dance Artist, continuing to work with a wide range of individuals and organisations within cultural, education, and higher education sectors throughout the UK. Focusing on artistic excellence Rachel continues delivering projects locally within Shropshire and nationally in education, health, community and professional settings. Her portfolio career will combine dance workshops, residencies, and performance focused projects. She also offers her skills as an experienced facilitator, trainer and coach. Rachel is keen to build strategic partnerships and collaborations with individuals and organisations committed to artistic exploration, rich exchange and dialogue with a commitment to adopting an inclusive, inquisitive approach.    
Rachel Freeman works as a freelance dance artist from her base in rural Herefordshire, specialising in the creation of aerial dance and community performance. Drawing upon the rich legacy of Blue Eyed Soul the work continues to be inclusive and collaborative, seeking out other artists to work with and providing a wide range of projects that encompass recreation, education and professional training opportunities for everyone with a passion for movement and inclusion.

Monday 13 February 2012

Envision at Telford Dance Festival

What a fantastic performance on Friday at The Place in Telford. The dancers from Envision worked alongside Money B, Sarah and Nikki in a performance that was full of energy and happiness. It was electric, inspiring and totally thrilling. This was the last public event for the LIKE Youth Dance project and also for Blue Eyed Soul, it provided a real high point to go out on. We are very proud of the group and all that it has achieved. An aim of the LIKE project was to bridge the gap between inclusive and mainstream youth dance and Envisions performance alongside a wide range of other local youth dance groups certainly did this, it exceeded our expectations.

Sunday 22 January 2012


Young dancers making and rehearsing for the Telford Dance Festival on the 10th February.
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Sunday 11 December 2011

Workshops in Plymouth

Rachel and Rachel went to the seaside but were far too curious about the dancing to see the sea. Blue Eyed Soul led some of its final workshops last week; a morning with dance students from the University and community practitioners many of whom work with Attik Dance. We all moved together and once again appreciated the importance of dance in our lives.
The afternoon session was with a regular Attik group who were enthusiastic and delightful in their creativity. The later session involved a core group of more experienced dancers who explored some contact improvisation and choreographic techniques.
Attik Dance are doing some fine and inspiring work in Plymouth so if you're local do get down there and join in.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

GLASGOW - Finale

And so Aerial O comes together through a progression of an open Dress Rehearsal for Scottish National Opera staff followed by two performances for family, school staff and friends.
Rapturous applause, tears in many eyes  and comments like, "I'm gob-smacked!" herald its success.
The mood of the closing circle was both celebratory and sad as we said our farewells to each other and this part of the project.
Looking forward to next time...

Clicking on any of these photos will take you to a larger version!

Monday 7 November 2011


The last day of rehearsals and Aerial O finally looks like a complete piece, well almost. Just a few last minute things to sort out tomorrow!!! Ashcraig and Smithycroft schools seem to be pulling out all the stops to help with the project, Dirty Feet continue to maintain their smiles and good humour whilst working hard. The artistic and technical team are steering the whole thing as one great collaborative effort. Don't really want to think about it all ending... perhaps it won't.

Sunday 6 November 2011

GLASGOW - Sunday

Sunday rehearsal with the SNO singers and a chance to talk music with the conductor. Still a few unknowns about timings but a brilliant orchestra will adapt to our needs.
Jenny from Ashcraig School made a special journey on her day off to collect a harness for Ross, making it easier for us all tomorrow: yet another example of the immense commitment, goodwill and support this project has inspired.
Then  back over the footbridge in the spectacular Glasgow evening light.